How to get spotify app on mac
How to get spotify app on mac

how to get spotify app on mac how to get spotify app on mac

This example comes from the official documentation that you can find here.įor Windows instead I would say that currently there is no clear way to do it. A delay is set added make sure the notification is shown long enough before the script ends

how to get spotify app on mac

Return currentArtist & " - " & currentTrackĭisplay notification "Currently playing " & trackName Set currentTrack to name of current track as string Set currentArtist to artist of current track as string Method to get the currently playing track Set currentlyPlayingTrack to getCurrentlyPlayingTrack() Spotify is exposing some API that you can use to query the state of your applicationįor example if you are on an Apple system you can use AppleScript API: - Creates a notification with information about the currently playing track

How to get spotify app on mac